Saturday Morning Program With Rev. Chimyo Atkinson
For more information and registration click here:
Living Dharma with Ease & Joy
How do we avoid creating the mental blocks that make it hard to truly be kind and loving? In the context of bodhisattva practice, what is right effort? How can we stand upright in the unremitting storm that is impermanence, with grace and joy?
This weekend will also include sessions in mindful body care that will help develop ease though a lifetime of Zen practice. Chery Drake-Bowers of Drake Advanced Myofascial Bodywork will guide us in simple body intelligence exercises based on the Feldenkrais inspired work of Ruthy Alon.
Click here to register:
10-Day Retreat at Le Demeure sans Limites
10-day retreat.
Guest teachers: Rev. Shoju san Mahler, abbess of the Zendo l'Eau Vive temple in Alès. Rev. Mokusho san Depreay, abbot of the Daishinji temple in Mons (Belgium). Rev. Chimyo Atkinson from the United States.
To close this retreat the representative of the Sôtô school for Europe, Minegishi Roshi will give a teaching on July 15th.
Touching Liberation Together — Sesshin for Black, Indigenous, Asian and People of Color (BIAPOC)
At Zen Mountain Monastery.
In this silent retreat, we hope to create a safe affinity space for members who self-identify as Black, Indigenous, Asian and People of Color (BIAPOC). New or more experienced BIAPOC practitioners are welcome to join us. Together, we will embrace the liberatory practices of our Buddhist ancestors through sesshin, characterized by silence and deep introspection. We will wake up each day before dawn to begin a schedule that includes 7 to 10 hours of meditation, chanting services, formal silent meals (oryoki), silent work practice, body practice, and talks by the teacher and senior students.
This retreat is free of charge but any donation helps fund scholarships for future BIAPOC events.
For further information and to register CLICK HERE
May-June 2023 Intensive: Be Nothing: Understanding Impermanence, Finding Liberation
Liberation, the release from suffering, is basic to the Buddha's teaching, from the Four Noble Truths to the Parinirvana, and fundamental to this practice. Our relentless, losing battle against impermanence and emptiness is the cause of so much of our suffering as well as suffering in the world. How do we stop the madness and cultivate clarity, awareness, and true compassion?
During this Intensive we will explore what it means to walk the path of liberation through our own efforts in zazen and discussion of the fundamental teachings of the Buddha as well as those of the Ancestors.
For more information and registration go to the temple website at :
April Sesshin at Great Tree Zen Women's Temple
Monthly Soto Zen sesshin at Great Tree in Alexander, North Carolina.
To register go to the Great Tree website at
Brooklyn Zen Center In-person & Online dharma talk with Chimyo Atkinson, Feb 4
Join us for our in-person Saturday morning program at Boundless Mind Temple in Brooklyn, which will include a dharma talk by Chimyo Atkinson
Location: Christ Church Cobble Hill, located at 326 Clinton Street (at the corner of Kane Street).
100th Anniversary of Zen in America Jukai-e Ceremony
Zenshuji Soto Zen Mission, Los Angeles, CA.
For more information on the 100th Anniversary click here
Bard College Eye-opening Ceremony
Eye-opening Ceremony at Bard College
Center for Spiritual Life, Resnik A
October Sesshin at Great Tree Zen Women’s Temple
6-night sesshin at Great Tree Zen Women’s Temple in Alexander, NC. For further information and to register for in-person or online participation see the Great Tree website at
Both women and men may attend Great Tree’s sesshins. The schedule includes several periods of zazen each day, formal meals using oryoki sets, dharma talks and dokusan (teacher-student interviews). Meals are vegetarian or vegan.
Meditate NYC
“End Racism, Build Peace” ONLINE.
CLICK HERE to check the BCNY Facebook page for updates.
San Francisco Zen Center Online
Exploring the Life and Writings of Keizan Zenji.
For more information go to the San Francisco Zen Center website: CLICK HERE>
Beacon Zen Sesshin
Sesshin is a unique opportunity to deepen our practice and these past couple of years have shown us just how precious that chance is. Join us at the Won Dharma Center in Claverack, NY. Scholarships are available.
Led by Rev. Tenku Ruff of Beacon Zen Center and Rev. Chimyo Atkinson
To register click here:
Dharma Talk at Brooklyn Zen Center
For more information go to the Brooklyn Zen Center Website. Click Here>>
ZenDo New York
Soto Zen Buddhism North America presents an online Zazen & Dharma Talk session from Village Zendo in NYC feature Rev. Enkyo O’Hara and Rev. Chimyo Atkinson, Sunday July 1oth at 5:00 PM EST. For more information go to
Saturday Morning Lectures Online at Great Tree Zen Women's Temple
Online lectures at Great Tree Zen Women’s Temple. For more information https://www.greattreetGreat and go to “Special Events”
In-Person One-Day Sit with Rev. Chimyo Atkinson, May 7
Location: Christ Church Cobble Hill, located at 326 Clinton Street (at the corner of Kane Street).
In this in-person sit, the schedule will include periods of zazen (sitting meditation) and kinhin (walking meditation), along guided w practices, soji, service and a dharma talk. For more information
Columbia U. Buddhist Association
Visiting lecturer. For more information go to Meetings | Buddhist Association (